Sunday, November 21, 2010

Best Weekend... By Far

So this weekend has been pretty much AMAZING!! And it all started with Thursday, my friends and I had tickets to go to the midnight premiere for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and it was AMAZING we went to the Windward Mall in Kaneohe and it was fantastic, I loved the movie. And I think I have fallen in love in Ronald Weasley!! So we went to the movie and left the theater at around 3. We started walking to a Denny's because we thought we were going to have to wait until 5:30 for the bus to start running but it turns out that when we got there, around 3:45, the bus actually starts running at 4:10! Perfect! So we went to the closest gas station and got some hot chocolate and other such items hopped on the bus and headed home. We got back at around 5:30 :] it was soooo fun!!
Well most people would think that staying out till 5 would be a bad idea on a weeknight but not for me because all of my classes for that day had been canceled! Fantastic!!!! So I was able to sleep in and get some home work done, it was amazing! Well that night my friend was able to get us tickets to the Night Show at the PCC, for only 10 dollars which is amazing AND the prophet was going to be there because of the temple dedication. I was awesome, the night show is always great and it was a really neat opportunity to be able to see the prophet. I got to snap a picture, he looked so cute in his Hawaiian shirt and lei. He is such a happy man.
So saturday rolls around that the weather is superb so some of my friends and I decided to go lay out on the beach and take a nap. It felt so good to lay by the ocean, because the weather here had been kind of crummy. Well half way through my roommate and I decided to go play in the ocean, it was my FIRST TIME swimming in the ocean here. And it was so fun!! I loved it! I want to go again and again! And I got some good rays, so I will be nice and dark when I come home for Christmas (just kidding I don't think it is possible for me to get truly dark haha). Then we went to the Cultural Celebration broadcast, it was very nice. And to finish a great night off we watched Pride and Prejudice... love that movie!
So then today I was able to go to the Laie Hawaii Temple Re-Dedication. It was amazing, at first I was super irritated because the chick next to me kept snapping her gum (when i was just typing that I accidentally spelled bum... then i imagined how funny it would be if someone was snapping their bum.... especially at a church function). But I prayed that I would be able to concentrate and have the spirit, and then by the end I could even hear it anymore. That could be because she stopped or I just couldn't hear it, I don't know which one. But either way it was an answer to my prayer. I am so glad to have the temple opened here, it is going to be amazing to be able to go inside now that it has been re-dedicated. There was such a great spirit there, I love the temple. I am so excited to go inside when I have more than a limited-use!!!


  1. Mari:)! Sounds like you are having wonderful experiences!! I am glad you are enjoying yourself! Let's see that great picture you have of our prophet! Love and miss you!!

  2. Wait, what? You have been there since September and you JUST NOW went in the ocean? What have you been doing the last few months? And I will look forward to seeing you looking "nice and dark" when you come home! Actually, I don't care if you are still Casper, just come home! Miss you tons!
